Lindsey’s Question: “I was just wondering if boxers have any back or hip issues? My girl Lucy will be a year next month and she always seems so slow and stiff when she gets up from laying down. Any suggestions or knowledge? … She loves running and has seemed really healthy. She doesn’t seem to be a jumper though, I have to lift her sometimes. The most she will jump is onto my bed. She eats good.”
Daily Boxer Response: Yes and No. When I rescued Daisy (my white boxer) she was very thin and malnourished. I noticed the same thing, very stiff and she ran awkward. She had a slew of other issues so we ended up doing an x-ray and it revealed ‘spinal arthritis’ or Spondylosis. The vet said that it was very rare in an puppy (she was only 10 months old) and it was presented as if she was around 5 years old (which we knew she was not). He also told me that it was genetic and irreversible but if she was properly exercised regularly and fed the proper nutrition it might help slow the progression. In addition, all medium and large breed dogs (including boxers) are prone to injuries and hip issues later in life. You should have her evaluated by a veterinarian. Here’s good website that explains it better: http://www.belire.com/boxer_health_issues.html The website states:
Hope this helps, let us know how she does! What are everyone else’s thoughts?
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