A recent article by Psychology Today, states that your dog may improve your heart health and reduce stress. The article summaries by saying that studies show that having a pet can actually reduce the chance of heart illness and blood pressure related illness.
Personally speaking, I totally understand the effect a family pet can have on the attitude or “mood” of a family. For us, even on the worst day, when our dog Buddy (a rescue) is so energetic and happy to see us return to our home with a wagging tale it really makes my day. The stress of the day seems to go away and focuses on petting and giving him the attention and love he so deserves. My daughter’s two boxers are exactly the same way! They are so happy and excited to see me visit. They even wait at the front door anxiously for my arrival.
In addition, The article also states that …
changes in blood chemistry demonstrating a lower amount of stress-related hormones such as cortisol. These effects seem to be automatic, they do not require any conscious efforts or training on the part of the stressed individual. Perhaps most amazingly, these positive psychological effects are achieved faster-after only five to 24 minutes of interacting with a dog-than the result from taking most stress-relieving drugs. Compare this to some of the Prozac-type drugs used to deal with stress and depression, which alter the levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the body and can take weeks to show any positive effects. Furthermore, the benefits that build up over this long course of medication can be lost with only few missed doses of the drug. Petting a dog has a virtually immediate effect and can be done at any time.
So bottom line, PET YOUR BOXER! Don’t we wish our “HUMAN” friends and family greeted us so warmly! Since Boxes are so loving and attentive it’s no wonder how they can light up a family even in the most craziest of days or times and NOW improve your health.
Do you think your boxer is better than medicine? Email us and tell us your thoughts: [email protected]. Please don’t forget to ‘like’, share, tweet, and Pin this article!
*A special “Thanks” to Mike Lofenfeld for allowing us to use his beautiful photography of his boxer, Lettie Bee*