Arlene writes …
I just found your site. We have 2 boxers Belle 4 1/2 and Bruno about 2 1/2 we don’t know because he was found wandering on a rural road.
I’m am writing you because you love boxers and we just received devastating news about Belle. She has been diagnosed with a very rare disease that is always fatal. It is caused by an algae found in the soil called . After reading vet articles online it seems this disease effects primarily female boxers. My vet had to contact specialists at the state veterinary school before we had a clue what was wrong with her. The lab just confirmed two days ago that it was protothecosis She was being treated for about eight weeks for chronic bloody diarrhea. Then 10 days ago she suddenly went blind. That is what tipped the ophthalmologist off to the possibility of prototheca. Unfortunately there is no cure. We are treating her with an antifungus medicine and trying to help her adapt to being blind. The doctors are unsure how long she will last only that it is always fatal. So we are keeping her safe and giving her lots of love and attention until we have to let her go. This disease will either attack her liver and kidneys or her brain next.
I’m writing this so you can warn boxer lovers that if they live in warm tropical climates or dense forests they need to not let their boxers play in standing water. I’m rambling on but I just want all people with female boxers to be careful. Just google prototheca in dogs and you can read the articles.
Thank you for sharing your story Arlene- much love and wiggles sent to Belle!
i am so sorry but thank you got telling this. I have a female boxer and like to walk around our nature park.
i am so sorry to her about Belle! i have a 5 y/o brindle female boxer who i ADORE! she is my first brindle boxer and my first female. she is a tiny boxer. she weighs only 36 lbs but she is one of the most beautiful boxer’s i’ve ever seen! good luck with Belle
My name is Mikaela and I have an almost 2 year old boxer puppy named Ramzee. The past 2-3 months Ramzee has been holding up his front left paw. He is still super active, high energy and good appetite. He will run around and play but afterwards he limps and picks up his paw. We have taken him to the vet and he has looked at his whole leg and paw, clipped his nails, tested for Lyme and everything is fine. We have kept him off his paw as much as possible the past few weeks but he continues to randomly limp. The vet does not think it is broken or fractured since he will put pressure on it and run around. Has this happened to anyone with their boxers? I just feel so bad for him and want to get him the best treatment possible. Thanks
Our 2 1/2 yr old femal boxer contracted the Canine Prototheca. We are devestated. We had to euthanize her. Her story is the same as Belle’s. I cry every day. It is tragic that a healthy, strong, young dog can’t fight a fungus. Horrifying. I’m traumatized to even think of getting another boxer. Crushed, I tell you, just heartbreaking.