The Thunderleash is a leash that can quickly and easily turn into a “no pull” harness. I have used this leash with 65 pound boxer for about 2 years and I can honestly say, it’s my go-to leash. Mostly because it avoids me having to use a choke collar. This leash is a safe and effective alternative to controlling your boxer without choking them.
So without making this a long a draw out review I will give you my impressions after 2 years of use.
The Thunderleash is made of good quality materials (both the buckles and thick leash material itself). It is easy to use (once you fit it correctly and figure it out). It’s unique and creative designs makes it a leash and harness in one. It eliminates the need for a choke collar and the price is right (especially given the good quality materials).
The only issue I have with the Thunderleash is that if it is not fitted tightly and correctly, it tends to slip below the chest and becomes ineffective in controlling pulling. I resolved this issue by fitting the harness tightly against the chest and front legs to start. In other words, the 1st buckle closest to your hand should be snug to get on. The second buckle is only used for tightening when the dog pulls.
One other thing you should know is that I use a few behavioral techniques along with this leash. For example, if you have the leash on (as seen in the picture above), the dog should be walking on your left side. Also, do not give the dog lead- try and control a pulling dog by keeping them close to your side. In general, I believe that a pulling dog is out of control and needs to be behaviorally corrected. Which, in turn, can make any harness or choke collar ineffective. Spend the time to get to know your dog and train them to walk appropriately.
Overall, I think the Thunderleash is worth the buy.
It’s your turn, do you have the Thunderleash? If so, please share your thoughts below or at [email protected]
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