In a recent research article reported by Psychology Today , it indicates that dogs with a left paw preference may be different emotionally. The article starts by stating some research about tail wagging:
Tail wagging movements of a dog are biased to the right or left depending upon whether they view a situation as being positive or negative. In general positive feelings pull a dog’s tail wags to the right and negative feelings pull the tail wags to the left as might be expected when the emotions associated with the right or left side of the brain are activated.
The article then states that more recent research states:
- Paw preference is evenly distributed among the dog population (different human population whereas 90% are right handed)
- Dogs without a paw preference showed lower aggression scores.
- Left pawed dogs were more likely to show such aggression toward unfamiliar people.
So the question remains … do you know if your boxer has a paw preference? After some trail and error and testing with Daisy and Rosco. I found that Daisy has a right paw preference and Rosco has no paw preference. And although I already knew this… Rosco dislikes when anyone touches his paws in general.
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