Recently I read a letter written by Mike about his loving bond with Beacon, a US Marshal Service Dog. The letter was about the passing of, Beacon, a brave and highly skilled US Marshal Dog and how he saved many lives and protected the life of his partner.
My family as well was blessed with a service dog. Our dog, Fox, came to us from Canine Companions for Independence and with us for 9 years. He was 11 years old when he passed. He was a constant companion for my son who was diagnosed with ADHD. Fox loved, not only our son and of course they were best buddies, but he was more than a friend to the entire family and community. He visited my son’s school often and enabled a hyperactive child engage in friendships of which he never would have experienced. I too am grateful to his raiser in and that CCI invested in Fox’s training.
Remember the next time you see a service dog with a family that you really never know in what capacity that dog is serving their master community. And, remember to give them the respect they deserve!
What are your feelings about Boxers being used as therapy dogs? Do you think that boxers have what it takes? Dogster recent posted a forum that blogs about this particular topic. Some agencies are in the process of training boxers as therapy dogs for Epilepsy and other conditions.
Pictured is Kevin McArthur’s white boxer, Harlow who is currently a successful therapy dog. Her resume includes: Blood Donor for Canadian Animal Blood Bank and St. John’s Ambulance Therapy Dog. Harlow was adopted from Winnipeg Boxer Rescue, maybe that’s why she is so great in helping to rescue others .
Below is a video of a boxer service dog at the Ronald McDonald House.
Would you think that YOUR boxer would possess the correct temperament /attitude and personality to be an assistance companion to serve a family? Email your comments to [email protected].
Hello, Looking for a dog for daughter who just lost her 4 and 1/2 year old boxer. he died. Trained and helped her so much. She has Addisons ,Diabets, Celiac Thyroid, and mnay other issues. We need a boxer. one to tow years old so we can trian, or one already trained, for Addisions.
[email protected]
What a great program